
Phone : +919811556609

Root Canal Treatment Clinic

Pulp, dentin, and enamel are the three parts that make up a tooth's crown. Fillings and restorations are only effective in treating the first two stages of tooth decay. Endodontic therapy is another name for root canal therapy (RCT). Each tooth has a nerve, which germs can infect and cause pain if a tooth fractures or decay gets close to the nerve. This may hurt and result in an abscess forming in the bone surrounding the roots. An root canal treatment (RCT) or endodontic procedure is required if the decay spreads to the pulp of the tooth and results in pain or infection. An endodontist, an expert in root canal therapy, performs this surgery. Dangerous germs must be eradicated during root canal therapy.

For More Details Please Contact Us at 9811556609.

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