
Phone : +919811556609

Waterlase iPlus Laser Treatment

Are you scared of going to the dentist because you’ll hear the dreaded drill screeching in your ear? Or maybe you are terrified of the needle and who likes leaving the dental office with a droopy or puffy face? These dental fears can be minimized with a WaterLase dentist. The WaterLase is a dental laser that enables the dentist to use minimal and in some cases even no anaesthetic or drills to perform many routine dental procedures! The WaterLase combines water, air and laser energy for safe use on human tissue in the mouth. Our teeth are partially made up of water and when the laser makes contact with the tooth it excites the water molecules to cut through the tooth. Since the laser continuously sprays out water it keeps the tooth hydrated preventing heat and giving you a virtually pain-free experience!

For more details please contact us! 9811556609

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