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Many people believe that everyday tooth brushing and flossing are sufficient to give their teeth the luster they desire. This is not at all the case. While brushing is a necessary step in maintaining oral hygiene, patients should also visit a dentist who can perform a comprehensive examination and spot any emerging issues. A person's social life may be negatively impacted by oral health problems like foul breath, an uneven smile, and browning teeth. People who have these issues frequently have poor self-esteem, which can cause depression. Going to the dentist can sometimes be all that is necessary to fix this. The patient won't have to worry for long about the troubles with their body image brought on by dental health issues. Heart attacks and strokes are two devastating illnesses that can be caused by poor oral health. Preventive dental exams can help detect diseases like oral cancer, which can be treated if found early. When given a dire prognosis for a situation they could have otherwise easily controlled, people constantly express regret over not seeking professional help sooner. Do not add your name to the list of people who only sought assistance after it was almost too late.
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